

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The heat is on

It is scorching hot here in the island, the sun shines without mercy and coupled with the strong breeze (more like gale) from the sea...just right to set off the incubating germs in me. I have a terible sore throat and for the past two days...I lost my voice!!! I am only able to whisper (???) hurts a lot and I don't recognise my own voice even mom told me it sounds like a whisper of 'itik serati'!!! I don't know where my mother gets that...what is 'itik serati'??
Everyone told me to drink lots of water, especially plain water (I'm not a fan) so mom made a point of forcing it to me...I don't like it but if it makes the pain goes away then...fill it up. My mak teh (in her cnn mood) told mom (indirectly telling me) to drink lots of water as she heard in the news that temparature is rising up and all must be prepared for the change of weather.
Well...hopefully this hot spell ends quickly and my voice will be back to normal.

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